Saturday, July 31, 2010

Review of Events and Adventures - DON'T DO IT!!!

Please note: I joined this group back in August of 2008, and reviewed this on yelp in December 0f 2008. I have since requested cancelling my membership due to the fact that my financial status has significantly changed over the last 2 years. My request was denied. I guess it doesn't matter to them that I am making about 30% less money then I was when I joined. It also doesn't seem to matter to them that I am actually working on repairing the damage that my reckless spending has caused. I will be filing a complaint with the BBB. Here is my review:


Events and Adventures is a total rip off. If you are considering Events and Adventures, just go ahead and try a great alternative that is free...YELP!!

Ok, so here is my sorry saga with Events and Adventures:

August 08: Broke up with ex of 10 months and decided since I hadn't really met anyone in the year of being here in Seattle, that I needed to look for an alternative way to meet people. (Notice I used the word people vs. guys.) My goal was to make some new friends, and get out and see parts of Seattle that I had not given myself the opportunity to see. An ad for E & A came on the radio, and I decided it was worth a shot. I called in, and they told me I would have to come in for an interview. This actually impressed me at first...they don't take felons (YEAH!!) and they make you show you are a real person....that is definitely a plus. HOWEVER......

During my interview, the sales guy gave me a quiz to determine how I meet people. Turns out I am an extrovert (go figure!!) I can go anywhere and meet anyone...this is true. What should have manifested in my brain was "EXACTLY WHY YOU DON'T NEED E&A!!!" This voice had apparently put itself on mute. I decided to give it a shot...can't be too bad, and some of the events looked cool. They were events I would actually consider going to on my own. My sales person told me I would have no problem meeting people (as if I was worried about THAT!) and that the guys would be flocking....this was of course not my concern, but if it be it. My sales person starts my contract and before I know it, he has me signed up for 3 years of paying 100 bucks a month.... for the WHOLE 3 YEARS!!!! Holy crap. PLUS you pay for all the events....and Membership dues...OMG, talk about going into debt. I was really optimistic about it at the time though. I had done the best I could to put myself into a positive state of mind after the break up, and saw this as an opportunity to meet some people who were interested in actually MEETING people.

My first event: Karaoke at Jazzbones in Tacoma. So glad I went to this...the venue is great (that will be on a separate review.) The majority of the people who showed up at the event were older guys...there were a few ladies who seemed really cool, one of them I even exchanged numbers with. I thought maybe I should try a few events before I totally bash this group.

Event number 2: Lake cruise on an old boat...there were about 30 people or so, and once again I met a really cool chick, we also exchanged numbers. It was at this event, that I began to see a serious trend in the majority of the men that were attending these events. (Please note: this is not to say all the men in this group are bad...just my personal observations from the folks that attended the events I attended.) There were a few guys who ended up acting very "stalkerish" asking for my number. I told one guy that I don't give my number to guys...(I was joking but at the same time didn't want to be mean and finish the statement which would have sounded something like "guys like you that is.")

I attended one more event, as a desperate attempt to feel like this was worth isn't. Worst part is, I can't get out of it. At least that is what they said. The only way I can get out of it is if I get married. (sham wedding anyone? Just kidding!) My next attempt to get out will be through the Better Business Bureau.

Needless to say, if you consider yourself and extrovert, consider yourself warned. Do not, I repeat do not join Events and Adventures. Find some activities going on in your area (Yelp or or somewhere else) and people, have fun, and enjoy life!!! If you are less of an extrovert, you might need E&A to get out there...who knows.