Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love Goggles & Drunk Goggles

Everyone puts these on at some point in their life. Love Goggles can affect us in so many ways, mostly negatively when we lose site of reality.
The fact is that the first couple months of a relationship, if there are many factors that keep us interested in a person, we tend to put on our Love Goggles, and ONLY see the good...not the bad. We ignore red flags that without the goggles we would normally see. Some might say the Love Goggles affects our ability to determine whether someone is physically attractive, but through my experience and the experience of my friends, it seems everyone at some point puts on these Love Goggles, and will intentionally ignore factors that should obviously lead to a relationship's demise. The outsider friend (me) asks the Love Goggle stricken friend (Nameless Guy Friend)
Me: "Dude! What's wrong with you? You don't realize that this chick treats you like shit, has a heightened sense of self-entitlement and is quite possibly crazy?"
Nameless Guy Friend: "No....she isn't that bad...She's really nice and totally into me. It doesn't matter that I delivered 2 dozen rozes to her work for her birthday and she didn't call me to let me know they arrived. AND it doesn't matter that she ignored me at her birthday party...She is gorgeous....and we have amazing chemistry and connection, plus, she gives great head."
Wow...this guy might normally not date someone who treats him like garbage, but this girl does and he for sure had his Love Goggles on, he is completely infatuated.
Luckily for "Nameless Guy Friend," he had friends like me and my other best girl friend who helped him see the light.
Love Goggles are different then the commonly misdiagnosed "Drunk Goggles." Drunk Goggles are the opposite of Love Goggles...
Imagine you have had 5 glasses too many to drink, and you see that pretty girl standing over by the bar grabbing a drink....wait...two. Man she is cool...she can handle her alcohol! She looks good...long hair, on her head and... wait.... Is that hair on her ears? NAW!! Can't be... She's got a great ass, and a nice set of watermelons that light up her face. Yeah...I'm going to talk to her...
By the end of the night you have grinded on her, bought her a few drinks as well as a couple for yourself, and while you are pretty tipsy, you are content with the fact that although you haven't had a real conversation (Drunk Speak does NOT count as conversation) you are quite certain, that this girl is S-E-X-Y! She can dance too! You get her number, and ask to take her out sometime. She says yes immediately, and by the time it's last call, you and her are grabbing a cab together and going back to her place. The rest of this imaginary story, I will let you fill in.
In the morning you wake up...hungover....ugh. Headache is pounding...and your stomach is turning with the bubbly guts. You look over at your prize from last night....Wait...that WAS hair coming out of her ears...and does she have a mustache? That curvy ass and great rack that you thought you saw last night...not so much. Now its obvious you made a huge mistake. She is clinging your arm with an ever hopeful smiley look on her face.
Ah yes...that was Drunk Goggles.
Beware of both Love Goggles and Drunk Goggles, as they can both do you harm. Remember when you get into a relationship that the first three months are the "getting to know you phase." Usually, after three months, the real persona surfaces. As long as you have kept yourself grounded, and kept the Love Goggles off, you will be able to identify whether the real persona is someone that you are actually interested in, or not. As for Drunk Goggles...well the example above speaks for itself...
BTW: Love Goggles and Drunk Goggles apply to both guys and girls...

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