Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our First Trip

So I was planning my drop off trip for my son. Every summer he goes to Texas to spend a couple months with his dad, and this year I am doing the drop off. I asked my guy, who just a few weekends ago called himself my boyfriend the first time, if he wanted to go with...We had talked about it before, and making a trip down to Austin together, however all of the other times I have asked him to come somewhere awesome with me he has said no... This time however....


So, I booked plane tickets and now we are just trying to arrange rental car stuff. My son is very excited that my guy is coming with us. Isaiah really likes my guy, which is awesome. He has a very good way with Isaiah that is not "I'm here to be your next dad" (which I would absolutely dissapprove of) and more "Hey buddy," and as a bonus he loves to be silly with Isaiah. This is a characteristic that Isaiah believes is required. He says, and I quote "People who aren't silly are boring. It makes you not want to be around them." hahaha! Right on have no idea how correct you are.

Just a couple more days and a little bit more packing and we will be off to the longest amount of time spent together during our almost 6 month courtship...a good 84 hours at least. Am I nervous? Yeah, sure a little...but I am more excited than anything. Here is a guy who probably knows me better than some of my besties...someone I can really be myself around, and who has never laid judgement on me. Here is a guy I really admire and like and look forward to more days and months+ together. :-)